Home / Follow the Lite / #FollowtheLite February Feature: Roxanne Longoria

#FollowtheLite February Feature: Roxanne Longoria

Follow the Lite

LiteWork Events originated as a vision to create an Urban Socialite Network in Boston. What better way to build on this vision than to highlight some of Boston’s most dynamic urban young professionals and socialites! Check out our latest feature, and hopefully you’ll also catch up with them at our next event! 

Name: Roxanne Longoria

Where are you from? San Antonio, Texas

Alma Mater? Texas A&M University (Whoop!)

What brings you to Boston? Work brought me to Boston but the people are why I stay. I’ve never been in an environment where so many individuals feel a personal responsibility in making their community stronger…it’s inspiring.

Tell us about yourself (What are you passionate about? Any side hustles?):

Roxanne LongoriaI’m passionate about all young people (but particularly youth of color) being in a better place today than they were yesterday. I’m very aware that I wouldn’t be where I am now if it weren’t for the village that supported me. How can I not turn around and be that for a young person now? I remember being their age and not knowing what the FAFSA was or how to fill it out. It’s my job to make sure youth know, that the reality is, we don’t “make it out”. We work for a better life and then turn around and make a path for others.

I’m currently the Network Coordinator at the Boston Youth Service Network. We are a Network that represents 15 community-based organizations working collaboratively to provide alternative education and employment pathways for youth at-risk. Organizations engage youth through a continuum of programs including nontraditional learning environments in alternative education schools, career exploration programs to build job and life skills, integrated support services and post-secondary connections.

Side hustles? Haha, everyone should always have a side hustle! This past year I started my first business, URevolution, a consulting agency specializing in leadership development, LGBTQ Safe Space, and cultural competency training. I’m working on a project right now where I’m looking for young adults of color to answer the following questions, “Where do you come from? Where are you going? What is your (r)Evolution?” in a 30-sec selfie video. I want to create a webpage where youth can see young adults that look like them talking about their dreams and accomplishments.

What’s one thing we should know about you?

I’m the Young Adult Committee Chair of the Boston Branch NAACP and we are always looking for talented, passionate people to join our leadership team. Boston is a vibrant city that is divided into silos, and our committee wants to break down those silos. Think about all the predominately white institutions in Boston with young adults who might be yearning to be in touch with a community more reflective of theirs at home. Why can’t we connect them to Roxbury, Dorchester, JP, Mattapan and start some mentoring programs? Everyone has a way to give back, we just need to make those connections.

How can people connect with you? Email…I do my best to respond quickly. You can connect with me at longoriaroxanne@gmail.com.

And there you have it… #followthelite

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