Home / Follow the Lite / #FollowtheLite July Feature: Justin McCarthy

#FollowtheLite July Feature: Justin McCarthy

Follow the Lite

LiteWork Events originated as a vision to create an Urban Socialite Network in Boston. What better way to build on this vision than to highlight some of Boston’s most dynamic urban young professionals and socialites! Check out our latest feature, and hopefully you’ll also catch up with them at our next event!

Name: Justin McCarthyJustin McCarthy

Where are you from? I am a loyal son of Lynn, Massachusetts

Alma Mater? The University of Massachusetts-Amherst. B.A. & M.A. in Afro-American Studies

What brings you to Boston?

After completing my Master’s work at UMass Amherst, I decided to move back to my home community of Lynn, Massachusetts and I obtained a position advising Lynn public high school students on college access and awareness.

Tell us about yourself (What are you passionate about? Any side hustles?):

I recently accepted a teaching fellowship at Lehigh University, where I will further my studies on Hip-Hop Literature and Culture. My eventual goal is to earn my Ph.D. and dedicate my life’s work to the liberation of marginalized and oppressed peoples through critically analyzing the art, literature, and cultural contributions that people of color have given to our global community.

Also, I am currently a Dr. Sidney J. Parnes Fellow with the Creative Education Foundation, chosen to apply the creative problem solving process to a specific community issue. I have chosen to combat the issues of violence, incarceration, and substance abuse by creating space for the self-expression of young men of color. Over the next two years, I will be conducting research and trying to provide creative strategies to help young men find and express themselves in new ways.

What’s one thing we should know about you? I’m a Creative and I believe in the idea of extreme collaboration! So let’s build together!

How can people connect with you? E-Mail is the best way to contact me: JustinMcCarthy781@gmail.com


And there you have it folks… #followthelite!

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